This is a 5-day hands-on Cisco course that provides students with the skills to configure, optimize, and troubleshoot a Cisco Meraki solution. Students will learn how to manage the Meraki Dashboard. Students will also learn how to install and optimize Meraki MX Firewalls, Meraki MS Switches, Meraki MR Access Points, Meraki MT Sensors and Meraki MV Cameras. Students will also learn how to configure the Meraki Dashboard, Meraki Insight and Meraki Systems Manager (EMM/MDM). Student will troubleshoot and configure the Meraki environment and learn how to diagnose and resolve user and Network issues that may arise.
- Full Coverage of Meraki Platform from Beginning to End
- Build a Meraki Network From scratch including Dashboard, MX Security Applaince. MS Switches, MR Wireless APs, and MV Cameras
- Course Updates with every revision of Meraki Dashboard and Firmware
- Why not to put students in the Meraki EMCS2
- Meraki ECMS2 is Static and is already out of Date with the Dashboard
- ECMS2 only covers popular feature and is three days EMCS2 Labs are Hard to Follow- does not provide Step by step